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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rain, rain, rain

For two days. Perfect weather for reading and knitting. And playing stoopid games on the computer until 5:24 a.m.


Tati said...

Until 5:45 a.m.? You night owl you :-)

But I know what you mean about those rainy days - they are nice to have now and then to do stuff inside without having a bad conscience for not enjoying the weather outside.

Seitherin said...

The only time I go outside in the summer time is to get from the house to the car and back again. The heat and the humidity are unbearable. I won't go outside again till late October, early November when things cool down.

Roseunicorn said...

you are a pod person - seitherin does not stay up til 5:45 a.m. - and what stoopid games have you started playing - I thought you didn't play puter games????

Seitherin said...

This stoopid game -

It's like an arcade game.

And I'm not a pod person. I can stay up when I distracted enough - usually by stoopid games or really really dum movies.
