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Friday, September 26, 2008

She talks, we cringe

One-On-One With Sarah Palin
CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric Interviews Alaska's Governor On The Ailing Economy

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Anonymous said...

I was so glad to catch this interview on youtube today. Anyone you watches this can no longer propagate her as a candidate for VP, puleeeesseeee.
Then again, if she returns to Alaska, I feel pretty bad for the wolves, moose and bears.

Seitherin said...

The overwhelming stupidity of choosing her as a running mate just boggles my mind. And they can't get rid of her now without looking like the complete asses they are. The only way they can come out looking good in this is if she backs out herself. And the only excuse that will make all of the Republican politicos look good is if she's doing it to look after the new baby and she spends the next year or so doing nothing but playing mommy.

I live in terror of the next four years no matter who gets elected. This is just not a good time for anyone or anything.