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Monday, March 13, 2006

I finally have glasses

I've been on the hunt for new glasses since about 9:00 this morning. I started with my eye doctor who informed me I could have an appointment in two weeks and that my prescription had expired last month. I checked with two more optometrists who could get me in at the end of the month and there were two more who wouldn't be in the office until 10:00 a.m., one of whom had a sign on her door informing the world walk-ins would be welcome.

I went to the walk-ins welcome doc and only had to wait about 45 minutes before she could see me. I explained my predicament and we chatted while she did the exam. I like her. I may dump my doc in favor of her. She was pleasant and friendly and made me feel as if getting me a new prescription was the most important thing in the world. She was brisk without being brusque.

With prescription in hand I went to EyeMasters. They had only one person working the store and I had to put my name on a waiting list. 'Waiting' was the operative word. I had more than ample time to try on a couple dozen pair of glasses. I actually hated them all, but I did finally settle on one frame that I didn't hate as much as the others. I even had time to pick out a second frame for new reading glasses. I also picked out two of those chain things so I can wear my glasses as pieces of modern jewelry. And then I got to wait some more until it was my turn.

I'm not sure when I got done there, but I went to lunch to kill another hour while one of two pair of glasses I bought were being worked up. I ate at El Chico 'cause it's in the mall where EyeMasters is. My new reading glasses should be in on the 27th.

And I got home about 40 minutes ago. There's really no point in going to the office since it will take me an hour to get there.

I've done another quick look through of the house and my glasses are still not to be found. I wonder if the silly things will ever turn up.

The new specs dangling from their chain about my neck


Tati said...

You got one of those chain things?!?
You aren't that old yet! eek!

Nice specs, though :-)

Seitherin said...

I may not be that old, but I do juggle two pair of glasses every day - one for 'distance' and one for reading. Most of the day I don't wear either pair, but I've got to have both with me just in case. My life would be so much simpler if I could use bifocals but I've tried - several times with both types - and I just can't get used to them. No matter what I do, something is always blurred when I use bifocals.